Back and neck pain are very common health complications that people commonly suffer from. While there are several reasons for pain in the back and neck, it primarily depends on how you hold your body while standing, moving, and sitting. If you leave your pain untreated, it can cause many complications and limit your body’s movement. Consult with the back pain treatment in Florida and learn more about the best solutions.
The common causes of back and neck pain are:
● Improperly lifting something heavy
● Poor posture
● Sports injury
● Overweight
● Smoking
Some of our bad habits are also responsible for causing back or neck pain. For example, sitting all day long before a computer screen, bending down the head for checking updates on smartphones, and more.
If you experience back or neck pain, here are the 5 best quick fixes that help you get rid of your complication. Remember that if these pain management choices cause any discomfort, you must consult with a doctor for the treatment.
Take it easy:
If you have back or neck pain, you must give your affected muscles the time to relax. Reducing your activity and taking rest can be a solution for your pain. Some people also take over-the-counter medicine for pain relief. It may help you get rid of the pain. Before this, you must consult with a back pain treatment in Florida. Do not take any medicine without a doctor’s advice, especially when you are taking other medications.
Ice and heat therapy:
It is another important tip that helps you get rid of back and neck pain. Ice the area for the first 48 hours, and then heat. This therapy will help you alleviate pain originating from the muscle and ligament strain. When you apply ice, it proves to be very effective in slowing down swelling and inflammation. After 48 hours, it starts losing its effects. With the help of heat therapy, you can restore the blood flow of the affected area.
Massage is another option that alleviates your pain. A gentle massage proves to be very effective for stretching the tight muscles and ligaments.
Don’t stop moving:
Gentle movement is more effective for managing your pain than using drugs and taking rest. Although restriction on your movement will help you in many ways, gentle movements can benefit you when the pain eases. You can perform simple exercises. However, you must consult with back pain treatment in Florida for your pain management.
Adjust your everyday routine:
When you experience pain, you must adjust your daily activities, maintaining the normal curves of your spine. A good posture will help you get rid of the pain. When you make a habit of good posture, you can keep the pain away from you.
Here are some tips for your posture:
● Don’t stand in the same position for a long time.
● Adjust the height of your worktable as per your comfort.
● While standing, you can elevate your foot and rest it on a tool or a box. Switch your position after a few minutes.
● Don’t sit for long hours. Take a walking break for 5 minutes after every half an hour sitting while working.
● While sitting, sit as far on the seat as possible, using the back support.
These are some quick fixes for your neck and back pain. However, you must consult with an experienced doctor for your treatment. Injury Assistance Network will give you the best support when you need medical assistance. They bring you the most experienced medical professional for your health. Please visit Ian to understand their services. You will get medical assistance in pain management, diagnostic imaging, chiropractic treatment, and more.